Physical Science
April 20, 2016
Physical Science
Let’s imagine another life form entering this star system, what features would be considered good enough to talk about once he’s back home at a barbecue under five shining moons in his star system? Well let’s see where to start?…
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April 20, 2016
Physical Science
NASA’s constellation program is a recent undertaking by NASA designed to replace the current aging Space Shuttle program. Developed through the Exploration Systems Architecture Study, this new program will help to develop new technologies while exploring space outside the realm…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
Welcome to Planet Earth, the third planet from a star named the Sun. [Because of the limitations of Helium, this article links to images of the astronomical wonders of our universe. Please click on the links to feast your eyes…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
History of the Search of Life on Mars. The belief that we are not alone in the universe is a long held belief and one that has fascinated humankind through the ages. It is not inconceivable to imagine that our…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
The life of a pulsar Once upon a time the universe was thought to be a serene and peaceful place where nothing interesting was happening, unchanged and perfect. That was the time when religion ruled over humans knowledge. Then science…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
The H-R Diagram: evolution of a star For countless millennia humans looked at the sly at night and saw millions of flickering lights, night after night it was the same spectacle, unchanged generation after generation. After few hundred generations they…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
Distruction and creation Soon after the publication of special relativity astronomers began to look into what would happen when gravity reach such a massive proportions that virtually nothing can escape it’s grasp. the concept of black holes was born, objects…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
Wonders of the universe One of the first things that filled the imagination of early humans was the sky, they would look up at night and see countless flickering light and watch in amazement asking what they were and why…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
The tasks of daily living that most of us take for granted are much more challenging to accomplish in outer space, especially those personal activities involving an astronaut’s privates. The question of how to capture human waste at zero Gs…
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April 19, 2016
Physical Science
Searching for worlds around other suns isn’t easy. Stars are big and bright, planets are small and unimpressive. Our own sun is 333 times larger than the earth. This means that for a species on another star they would need…
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