Physical Science

Types of Nebulae

Instantly recognizable to science fiction fans everywhere, nebulae are clouds of dust or gas in space.   The term “nebula” was originally used to denote any extended astronomical object and this included galaxies until they were discovered.  It wasn’t until the…
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The History of Astronomy

The first crude telescopes began our long journey to astronomy, astrology, space travel, and the solar system in the 1600s, excitedly skipping down the yellow brick road toward literally another world. Historical explorations of this world began in a world…
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How to Make Hot Ice

Hot Ice is a substance which has the appearance of frozen water but instead of being cold, produces heat. The substance is commonly found in reusable heat pads for muscular pain but it can be used more creative purposes such…
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Going to Mars

The MRO or Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter was sent on August of 2005 to further explore the planet Mars in more detail. Scientists hope to gather detailed information with this latest and most advanced orbiter to understand whether Mars once had…
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