Physical Science

What is Limonene

Limonene. What is it? Limonene is from a family of hydrocarbons produced by plants-known as terpenes. Limonene is an orange terpene. Terpenes are present in essential oils, especially citrus oils, which in turn can be used for many things such…
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What are Electrons

Quantum physics is the study of subatomic particles and their properties. The electron is represented by a probability cloud surrounding a nucleus, this cloud is said to represent the probability of where an electron might be at any given time….
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Chemical Warfare Survival

What is a Chemical/Biological Threat? Chemical/Biological threats are an ever-growing concern in our modern societies. Whether it’s a terrorist with an aerosol can full of weaponized Anthrax gas or a large-scale dirty-bomb detonated by a rival sovereign state, the threat…
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Arecibo Broadcast

The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is a radio astronomy facility that includes the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world, some 300 metres across and is operated by Cornell University on behalf of the United States National Science Foundation….
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