Physical Science

Noble Gas Properties

Noble gases could possibly be the most ‘perfect’, yet least interesting elements out there. You won’t see any fancy fireworks or reactions from them. In fact you might not see anything at all when you look at one – because…
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Purifying Water

INTRODUCTION Water purification is an important technology. It has applications around the globe, for every person needs and deserves clean water to drink, be it on a camping excursion, recovering from a natural disaster, or simple daily living. There are…
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Redox Reactions

Redox reactions occur every day in the world around us. They may be subtle, such as a common breathalyzer test, or have catastrophic consequences such as the burning down of a building. They may be spontaneous (and happen instantly) or…
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What is an Atom

An atom is the smallest unit of a particular element. The basis of chemistry comes down to the interactions between atoms. More specifically, it involves the interactions between the positively charged particles of the nucleus, known as protons, and the…
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