Physical Science
April 25, 2016
Physical Science
Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind Close encounters of the fourth kind and the different types of this strange phenomenon. Everyone is aware of the now classic 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, written and directed by Steven…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
A pulsar is an abbreviation for a pulsating radio star. Pulsars are believed to be rapidly rotating neutron stars, which have very strong magnetic fields. As these stars rotate, they emit beams of radio waves from both magnetic poles. If…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
Even if you know nothing about astronomy you have probably heard about Hubble. The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990 with the hopes that it would answer the question of how our universe works, and just how old it really…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
The Hubble telescope is among the most well-known telescopes in operation. It has been photographing celestial objects for nearly 20 years, taking dramatic images that have shaped our understanding of space. The following are the top 10 discoveries made through…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
Alien Abduction Phenomenon For thousands of years people have claimed to see strange creatures appearing from thin air and abducting victims. This strange and frightening phenomenon is associated with people encountering UFOs. Accounts from every country and culture around the…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
Having spent years now looking into space hoping that someone will speak to us from the void humans have just began to realize that perhaps it will be up to us to send the message, but this leads to a…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
Project Phoenix rose from the ashes of the SETI project , which was cancelled by the American Congress in 1993. Project Phoenix aims to detect extra-terrestrial civilizations by a targeted search of outer space for radio signals being beamed towards…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
When the Hubble Space Telescope, fondly known as Hubble throughout the world, hitched a ride on the space shuttle in April of 1990, it was hoped that the versatility and size of the telescope would open up the secrets of…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is pushing space exploration to the limits with the Constellation research program. The goal of the Constellation program is to design and build the next generation of launch and transport vehicles that will…
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April 25, 2016
Physical Science
High on a plateau in north eastern California, boarded on the east by the most northern extent of the Sierra Nevada and to the west by volcanic peaks of the southern most extent of the Cascade range, is a little…
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