Physical Science

Oort Cloud

First, it must be stated that the Oort Cloud has not been proven beyond a doubt to exist, but is considered very likely to exist by many astronomers, which would explain a lot of observations made by astronomers on the…
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Galileo the Church

Harken then to this great and new wonder. The first discover of the solar spots, as also of all other celestial novelties, was our Lincean academician and he discovered them in the year 1610, wrote Galileo about himself in his…
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Oort Cloud

In 1932, Estonian astronomer Ernst Opik formed a theory that long-period comets were initiated in an orbiting cloud of comets at the edge of our solar system. Relying on Opik’s theory for postulating his own hypothesis, Dutch astronomer Jan Hendrik…
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Star Clusters

To understand what an open star cluster is, it is essential for a person to understand the distinction between constellations of stars, clusters of galaxies, globular clusters of stars and open clusters of stars. A brief description of constellations, galaxy…
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Life on Mars

Life on Mars is one of the most well known subjects concerning our star system to everyday people. Whether it be from science fiction movies, television series or books, or from the various missions to the planet in recent years,…
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