
How are Fossils Formed

Fossils are amazing time capsules holding information that can be read from an era spanning many millions of years. By the time we are able to hold this excavated jewel in our hands, the sample has undergone a complicated process…
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Tyrannosaurus Rex

Many speculated that Tyrannosaurus Rex couldn’t have chased down its prey because it was possibly too slow. Paleontologists made this speculation because T-Rex’s leg seemed relatively small compared to its body size. Many others believed that T-Rex couldn’t have been…
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Dinosaur Behavior

Ways of Assessing Dinosaur Behavior It is possible to tell general things about Dinosaur behavior from the remains that have been left behind. Bones that are close in makeup to the animals living today can provide scientists with the ability…
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Science History

There has been a lot of controversy in science over what really killed the dinosaurs, And until recently they thought they knew what killed off the dinosaurs. That was a 10 km wide meteorite that crashed in to the Yucatan…
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