Medical Science

Side Lunges

Side lunges are one of more effective exercises which can work all your lower body large muscles such as glutes, hams, quads, inner and outer thighs. A basic side lunge consists of standing with feet together. With the left foot,…
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In classical mythology, satyrs were male half-human, half-beast creatures; they accompanied Dionysus and Bacchus and joined in their revelries, especially their sexual excesses. They were depicted in mythology as being part goat and possessing goat-like appetites, especially for lechery. The…
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Side Effects of Epitol

Epitol is a drug which doctors may choose for treating types of epileptic seizures depending on what those types are. Epitol can also be used for other medical conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, and bipolar disorder in some cases. Doctors…
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Does WiFi Cause Cancer

One more crazy, tinfoil hat health concern has popped up, and with any luck, it’ll be shattered before it gets any steam. UK scientists have announced that there isn’t any research to show that there’s more danger from having a…
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