
Bar Line Pie Graphs

A graph is a visual display of numeric values. A graph is a picture. Graphs make numbers and number comparisons more understandable. Graphs summarize data, show trends, and display patterns. Graphs make it quick and easy to interpret a large…
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Pension Consulting Basics

Statistics may be used in a variety of ways in business, but as an actuarial analyst from an employee benefits consulting firm, I will tell you how statistics, or more specifically actuarial science, is used in pension consulting. But first…
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Trigonometry and Geometry Compared

Mathematics is a subject that traditionally has been divided into various branches, some of which are interrelated: algebra, trigonometry, geometry, statistics, calculus, etc. Geometry and trigonometry are but two of the branches that we study probably in junior high school…
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Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation has a common form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0. It is polynomials with order of two. This equation is ubiquitous equation in mathematics and physics. We call the value of x that satisfies the…
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History of Mathematics

Most early civilizations had counting systems. The Babylonians, Egyptians, and Chinese had calendars. The Egyptians had hieroglyphics in 3400 BC. The Babylonians, Romans, Chinese, Greeks, Mayans, and Hindus all had positional number systems. The Sumerians used fractions, algebra, multiplication tables,…
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