
Lagrangian Mechanics

Though brachistochrone means “shortest time” in Greek, the set of problems originated with the Swiss mathematicians, John (1677-1748) and James Bernoulli.(1654-1705). It was John Bernoulli who first posed the problem of finding the shortest time of descent for a bead…
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Famous Mathematicians

If God spoke a language, it would be mathematics.  Ever since the Ancient Greeks started to analyze the world around them, humanity has used numbers to describe the world around them.  Mathematics has grown in leaps and bounds to the…
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How to Rate a Statistical Graph

Statistical, or pseudo-statistical are everywhere around us. Many of the media articles quoting statistical or survey data are accompanied by graphs, and statistical graphs are also essential part of scientific and business reports. But are all statistical graphs useful? How…
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Math Statistics and Probability

For many, statistics and probability are the most fun aspects of mathematics.  These two related sub categories involve much more of the doing that can make math interesting and fun.  Statistics are used in every day life.  Probability is appreciated…
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