Earth Science

Mass Extinctions

Extinction is the death of every member of a species. Mass extinction is the death of several species in the same time period. There have been several mass extinctions since life first evolved, but scientists have a difficult time explaining…
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Steam Devils what they are

Like a thin tornado in reverse, steam devils form spiraling columns of microscopic droplets of liquid water, reaching up towards the skies above. While tornadoes stretch down from the clouds and become waterspouts when over bodies of water, steam devils…
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Fatcs on Monsoonic Winds

Monsoon winds are unstable and usually changed in direction every season. These winds are observed during the Monsoon season. To understand the concept better, here is a  discussion of the different seasons and what directions the monsoon winds take. This…
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Heat Ligntning

Quite simply, heat lightning is the reflection of lightning occurring beyond the horizon; reflecting off the bottom of clouds on the horizon. The light produced, traveling very fast and being relatively unaffected by the air of the bottom-most layer of…
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