Earth Science

Freezing Rain

Meteorologically speaking, rain is pretty simple: it’s falling water. So, too, is snow, which is frozen falling water and forms small flakes. There are several forms that cross between these two, however, that may cause a bit of confusion, and…
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Sleet Freezing Rain

Sleet, freezing rain. Sleet, freezing rain. Sleet, freezing rain. Some people, even weather men and women on the news, will use these two terms interchangeably, as though they’re the same thing. And they’re not too far off, truth be told…
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Prepare your Home for Hurricane

How should you go about preparing your home for a hurricane? The destructive forces of hurricane winds, storm surge, tornadoes, flying debris, and floods are devastating to conventional wood framed houses and buildings. If you live in hurricane country, saving…
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What causes Fog

For some, fog is an atmospheric condition that almost never manifests itself. For others, it is an omnipresent nuisance that makes traveling anywhere slightly riskier than usual, if not downright hazardous. As annoying as you consider fog, though, how much…
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Types of Clouds

To say that there are different types of clouds may strike some readers as a little odd. Clouds come in varieties? Preposterous! They’re just a bunch of big, white and gray fuzzy things in the sky. Case closed. Or perhaps…
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Bad Weather Clouds

Nature is unpredictable, and the weather is no big exception to that rule. It’s tough to figure out, just based on the appearance of a day, what might happen in an hour or two. If you’re trying to figure out…
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How Snow is Formed

Snowflakes are amazing things. You can stare at these light, delicate crystals for hours, marvelling at their delicate beauty. No machine-produced snow even comes close. It’s even more amazing that these delicate snowflakes come from the same source as every…
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Surviving a Disaster

On September 11, 2001, three thousand people died in a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. This was a horrible infliction of destruction. While the memory of those lost should never be forgotten, an equally…
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