Earth Science

Igneous Rocks Peridotite

Peridotite is an igneous rock, which means that it was formed after molten lava cooled and solidified.  It is composed mostly of olivine (a mineral which, when it is gem quality, is the beautiful peridot found in jewelry) and pyroxene,…
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Metamorphic Rocks Schist

Schist is a medium grade metamorphic  rock following shales, slates, and phylittes, in the rock cycle of metamorphism.  Schist means “to split” which is a hallmark of this rock. Schist can be formed from the igneous rock basalt (orthoschists); or…
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Uses of Quartzite

Quartzite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed in its majority of quartz, and formed from the sedimentary rock sandstone. A metamorphic rock is formed when constituent minerals recrystallize in a new molecular arrangement due to tectonic compression and heating. Quartzite…
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Will Gold Glitter in Nigeria

Will gold glitter in Nigeria?IntroductionRecords of gold occurrences are numerous in literature. Woakes (1988) noted over thirty occurrences (earlier described by other authors) in alluvial terrain, quartz veins, sheared silicifed conglomerate.Chukwu (1988) discussed the distribution of gold mineralization in the…
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