Earth Science

Types of Snowflakes

Scoop up a handful of snowflakes and you hold a miniature universe. Scientists believe there are one trillion, trillion, trillion different kinds of snowflakes, all from three basic ingredients; water vapor, ice crystals, and microscopic particles. Each flake begins as…
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Different Types of Snowflakes

There is no definite answer to the question of how many types of snowflakes there are.  Classifying snowflakes is a matter of convention.  There is no objective taxonomy; different people have devised different systems of classification for snowflakes, and these…
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Storm Surge

A storm surge, quite often, is the most dangerous part of a hurricane. Often it is the most damaging to property and the largest threat to life, according to the National Hurricane Center. During Hurricane Katrina, over 1500 were killed,…
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Formation of Hail

Hail is one of the three main forms of precipitation, the others being rain and snow. Precipitation of all types is caused as part of the natural water cycle.    Water vapor enters the atmosphere by means of evaporation, transpiration and…
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