Earth Science

What is Global Repolarization

It is sometimes difficult to sort science fact from superstition, especially when the underlying facts haven’t been around long enough to gather superstitions. However, even sorting fact from supposition is hard at times. Such is the case of global re-polarization….
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There was a time when the steel mills of America belched forth fire and forged more steel than elsewhere on the planet. In those days the mills devoured high grade and continued to do so until there was little left….
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Can Science Save the World

It seems that most debates these days revolve around the controversial topic of “saving the planet.” There are those who are apathetic, content with whatever happens to the earth as long as their circle of concern is not being infringed upon. There…
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Hawaii Islands

The Hawaiian Islands form an archipelago of nineteen islands and atolls, abundant smaller islets, and undersea areas making a way from the northwest by southeast in the North Pacific Ocean between latitudes 19 N and 29 N. The archipelago takes…
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