Earth Science

The Nature of Stratovolcanoes

Stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes) are steep-sided, conical volcanoes. They are formed by many layers of hardened lava flows, pyroclastic flows and lahar flows. Stratovocanoes are most often formed on continental land, and have gentle slopes at the base that gradually rise…
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The Making of an Anemometer

An anemometeris an instrument to record wind speed and pressure, although, it can also give the wind’s direction. An anemometer is most commonly used in meteorology and aerodynamics. Knowing the prevailing winds in certain regions allows engineers to decide where…
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The lure of yellow diamonds

For centuries prized diamonds have either been pure white or deeply colored blue, red, pink, or green or yellow. Pale yellow diamonds have been seen mainly as inferior white diamonds. While yellow diamonds can be manufactured and thus are much…
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