Earth Science

What was Project Stormfury

Project  STORMFURY was an experimental research program that was designed to study hurricane modification. It was carried out between 1962 and 1983 by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,) and the government agency that preceded NOAA. It was, in essence,…
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Store you Boat

After being a 15 year veteran of Gulf of Mexico storms, waterspouts and hurricanes I can speak from experience when I say, “Think quick, think easy, and be prepared”. Tools and supplies you might need to keep on hand. 1….
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Tornadoes are powerful storms. Other than Antarctica, they have been reported in all continents on Earth. As the country of the United States experiences the most tornado frequency yearly (more than one thousand tornadoes on average), in previous years, hundreds…
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Hurricane Forecast

Around 2006, many Wall Street investors invested heavily in oil weeks before the arrival of Hurricane Alberto. Many companies placed a multi-billion dollar bet on oil stocks and commodity futures in anticipation of oil price appreciation, only to see that…
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