Earth Science

The Role of Plankton

Plankton are microscopic or macroscopic organisms of plant and animal origin found in the pelagic region of water bodies where sunlight penetration and nutrient availability are abundant. Plankton are defined based on the ecological niche they occupy rather than their…
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Atlantic Ocean Tsunamis

A tsunami is also called a harbor wave. A tsunami is usually caused by a major disturbance like an earthquake, underwater explosions or volcanic eruptions. A tsunami is quite similar to a rapidly rising tide. They have a very long…
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The Role of Plankton

The word plankton comes from the Greek word planktos, meaning “wanderers.” The name describes the ability of plankton to move on ocean currents. This motion is how plankton get from place to place where it can be used as a…
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The Earths Core

It’s almost impossible to know the precise ways in which the core of the earth was formed but technology give us many clues. Many unanswered questions remain about what is at the center of the earth and what holds it…
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