Earth Science

Kinds of Tornadoes

There are many different kinds of tornadoes. They can be narrow, cylindrical, cone or wedged in shape. A supercell tornado is the offspring of a supercell thunderstorm. These storms have a continuous updraft of air which also rotates. These produce…
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What are Blasck Smokers

Black smokers are some types of hydrothermal vents found at the bottom of the ocean. They usually form at about 3 km (2 miles) below sea level. Black smokers develop near volcanically active regions, such as in the mid-ocean ridges…
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How Pyrocumulus Clouds are Formed

Pyrocumulus clouds form under special conditions of extreme ground-level heat. In the sky they often resemble huge, brown or grayish brown, lumpy-surfaced puffballs. Pyrocumulus clouds originate most commonly in areas subject to frequent wildfires. These characteristic phenomena gave rise to…
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