Earth Science

Snow Insulation

Can snow be warm? Not technically, but it does keep in heat. Snow has insulation properties, which mean that you really can be warm when covered with snow. So long as its not toughing your bare skin that is. Take…
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Classifying Igneous Rocks

Igneous rock is formed from magma. It is igneous intrusive, when it forms within a closed internal structure within the earth, where it is not exposed to the atmosphere. Igneous intrusive rock lives under conditions where the crystals and minerals…
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What causes a Lake to Turn Red

Tales abound about lake water turning blood red and rivers flowing with blood instead of water. Reports of blood red lakes were children’s Bible stories until people of modern times began witnessing the phenomenon around the world. Are blood red…
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The Basics of Limestone Formation

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Calcite and aragonite are crystal forms of CaCO3. Limestone makes up approximately 10 percent of all the sedimentary rocks in the world. Limestone may form many erosional land formations when…
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