Earth Science

About Permafrost

Permafrost is a layer of soil or earth which is permanently below the freezing point. The geological definition does not require that water ice actually be present in order for a region to be defined as permafrost, though with some…
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Origins of Water on Earth

Scientists are generally confident that they know where water came from originally, but the origin of the water on Earth itself is more of a mystery. Indeed, the Biblical book of Genesis itself, though offering a detailed account of some…
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Can Wildfires be Beneficial

Wildfire, the term conjures up burning forests with towering pines bursting with the sound of gunfire into flames. Antelope running before a wall from the fire as it burns across the prairie. They are considered destructive and they can be,…
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Fighting Forest Fires

Having worked for the United States Forestry Service as a Forest fir fighter battling wildfires I can state with firm conviction that it takes a lot of guts, determination, dedication, luck and intelligence mixed with a bit of prayer to…
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