Earth Science

Earths Breath of Life

The Earth’s atmosphere formed following the initial coalescence of the Earth-Moon system, estimated to be 4.5 billion years ago.  It would be unthinkable for most present-day organisms to attempt to live in that environment.  The primary component of the atmosphere…
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The Origins of Vanilla

Most people when they think of vanilla will think of ice cream; vanilla ice cream is after all the most widespread of all ice cream flavourings. Vanilla though is an ingredient in many things, from food and drink, to medicines…
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About Ocean Dead Zones

Ocean dead zones are ocean regions where the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water has fallen so low that most or all marine life is incapable of surviving and has either died or fled to nearby, more oxygen-rich areas….
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What is an Ichthyologist

An ichthyologist is a scientist who specializes in studying fish, including rays and sharks. There are currently about 30,000 known fish species, making this group larger in terms of total number of species than all birds, reptiles, and mammals put…
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