Earth Science

How Aqueducts Work

An aqueduct is a man-made water conduit used to channel water from the water’s source to the water’s destination. The design of the aqueduct is based solely on the principle of gravity flow. Have you ever wondered how aqueducts work?…
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The Deadliest Earthquakes on Record

In 2004, Southeast Asia was devestated by a 9.3 magnitude earthquake. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia were all affected. The inital quake and aftershocks tore down buildings and homes. They began massive mudslides that smothered entire villages. Unfortunately,…
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Lahars are mud flows resulting from volcanic activity, and they can pose the deadliest threat of all arising from a volcanic eruption. What are Lahars? Lahars are a type of muddy debris-laden stream that flows rapidly down the slopes of…
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