Earth Science

Black Smokers

Hot springs on the ocean floor were only discovered in the 1970s and are among the most spectacular features of the deep oceans.  The hottest of these hydrothermal vents are the famous black smokers with water coming out at temperatures…
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Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

As local leaders took to the media, warning residents to evacuate, being very blunt, such as when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned, “Don’t be stupid,” Hurricane Sandy was leaving a path of destruction and death in the Caribbean and…
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Uses of Crystallography

The science of crystallography at first thought may seem to be esoteric and a dusty old  endeavor of limited practical use. Not so! Without crystallography, the whole world would come to a grinding halt, being composed of useless amorphous particles….
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How the Rock Cycle Works

The rock cycle describes the continuous series of changes that rocks undergo. The changes occur over millions of years, destroying old rocks and making new rocks. It is not as clear cut as the very simple water cycle, but is still easy…
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