Earth Science

Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics and continental drift was first put forward by Alfred Wegner in 1912. Previous to this there had been various paradigms, such as the idea that the earth was flat and the belief that earthquakes and…
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Why is the Sky Blue

The sky is blue due to Rayleigh scattering, which is the dispersion of light by particles much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. The sun’s light is composed of all the colors of the visible spectrum. The gas molecules…
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Everyone is familiar with the classic science fair experiment of a paper-mache volcanoe.  However, seldom do people truly reflect and attempmt to understand what phenomenon is responsible for the real thing.  How are volcanoes formed?  How and why do they…
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The Ring of Fire

The ring of fire is a region in the Pacific Ocean of major volcanic and seismic activity. Approximately 90 percent of all the earthquakes occurring in the world have their origin in the Pacific ring of fire. The ring of fire…
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What is the Ring of Fire

Lurking under the Pacific Ocean are giant pieces of Earth’s crust moving in directions that are the opposite of each other. These enormous, continent-carrying plates of earth meet in two ways: They squeeze by each other side to side, or…
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