Earth Science

How Soil Forms

There are some very key items that go into the soil that everyone walks on. The first thing, what is soil made from. Soil is actually broken up rock sediments and decomposed plants and animals. But what gives soil its…
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Heat Exhaustion

It is important to know the signs of heat exhaustion because it could be a critical factor in saving a life. Every year there are deaths reported because of overexposure to heat. It is important to not let your body…
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Types of Snow and uses

There are a number of different types of snow such as corn snow, crud, crust, powder, packed powder, slush, loose granular, wet granular and frozen granular. Power, crud, crust, slush, and ice are respectively levels of snow meltdown. Snow is…
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Types of Lightning

Types of Lightning We’ve all had the experience looking out the window and seeing the flash in the sky and hearing the roar of thunder. What was that flash? It was lightning. The most common occurrences of lightning are during…
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Driving in a Flood

There are many undesirable outcomes that result from driving on flooded streets. Your car can get damaged or you could stall out and end up stranded in a pool of rising water. Even if you manage to not get stuck,…
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