Earth Science

Preventing Summer Wildfires

Massive wildfires in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico during the summer of 2011 have highlighted the fact that summer heat brings summer wildfires.  Why is summer fire season though?  The best answer is that fire loves heat.  In summer a glass pane leaning…
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Water Molecule

Water (H2O) is the most abundant molecule on Earth. Water covers approximately 70% of the Earth´s surface. The oceans contain about 96.5% of all water on the planet and 3.4% is found in lakes, rivers and ice glaciers; the remaining…
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Limnic Eruptions

A limnic eruption occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) trapped in deep lake water erupts to the surface, displacing the lake water, and possibly causing a tsunami. As a result of the CO2 released, any wildlife or humans in the vicinity…
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Globigerina Ooze

Globigerina ooze is the most common type of calcareous sediment from planktonic origin found at the bottom of the ocean. Foraminifera are single-celled zooplankton organisms, whose tests (shells) comprise a large portion of the calcareous biogenic ooze (globigerina ooze) found…
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