Earth Science

What is Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics is a multidisciplinary field which combines the study of the environment with the study of economic endeavors and human social systems. It answers the questions that are never answered with a pure economics approach: but what happens to people?…
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Coral Disease

Coral reef disease has increased significantly over the past fifteen years resulting in extensive damage to coral reef colonies. Approximately thirty percent of the world’s coral reef population has been degraded as a result of both human action and natural…
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Types of Wildfires

Wildfires are very detrimental to the environment and often destroy anything in their way.  They burn down property and ravage wildlife areas, taking lives in the process.  Sadly, wildfires are deadly and account for the deaths of many people and animals.  These fires often start from grass or…
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Biogenic Sediments

Biogenic sediments are the skeletal remains of either plant or animal marine species. The hard skeletal structures of marine organisms are important constituents of the deep ocean sediment and many layers of the deep ocean floor are almost entirely composed…
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Pelagic Sediments

Pelagic sediment comprises fine-grained material composed of lithogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous particles that have been deposited in the ocean floor away from the neritic zone. Pelagic sediment is composed of calcareous and siliceous shells from marine organisms, fine-grained clay material,…
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