Earth Science

Arctic Ice Loss

Every summer, some of the ice in the arctic regions melts and flows into the world’s oceans. This is a natural phenomenon. However, since 2002 CE, this melting has increased at an alarming pace, with almost 502,000 square miles of…
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Rising Sea Levels

You hear it all the time on television, the radio, and in various print media. The sea levels are rising due to a man made phenomenon known as global warming. Unfortunately, the link between these two concepts is often misunderstood,…
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Nile River Facts and History

Africa’s longest river The River Nile, stretching across half of Africa, flows northwards from the tropical mountains and forests of the Equator to the temperate Mediterranean Sea. It is the Africa’s longest river, reaching 4150 miles from the lakes that…
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How to Conserve Water

Water covers around two-third of the earth’s surface. However, only around one percent of this water is accessible freshwater. The rest is either saltwater found in oceans or water trapped in glaciers. The ever-increasing population places even more pressure than…
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Arctic Ice Loss

In the Arctic, some sea ice always melts every summer. However, since 2002 CE, this summertime melting of sea ice started earlier than usual and the quantity of ice lost increased at an alarming pace. Nearly 502,000 square miles of…
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