Earth Science

Hurricane Damage Storm

During a hurricane, lives and property are put at a level of extreme risk. Hurricanes are one of the most destructive and deadly disasters that can occur. Many different factors create hazard during a hurricane. The effects can be deadly…
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The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea can conjure up all kinds of strange thoughts and ideas. Over the centuries it has garnered quite a few names, both interesting and unflattering: the Devil’s Sea, Stinking Sea, Lake of Asphalt, The Salt Sea and The…
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Heat Waves can be Deadly

Heat waves kill people. In fact, in a typical year, heat causes more deaths in the United States than flooding, lightning, tornadoes, or hurricanes. Since heat waves are common summer time occurrences, their dangers affect many people every year. Even…
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Why are Oceans Salty

All water, including water in rivers and lakes contains dissolved chemicals which scientists call “salts”. However, not all water tastes salty, for the content of salt vary among different water bodies. Sodium and chloride, the components of common table salt…
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