Earth Science


Beautiful Yellowstone’s active geo-thermal features make it like no other place on earth.  On March 1, 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed into law a bill which made the area of Yellowstone the nations first national park.  Scientists believed that…
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What is a Blowout Preventer

The Care and Feeding of Blowout Preventers Beginning in April, 2010, the news was filled with the unfamiliar terminology of deep-water drilling. We learned about risers, drilling mud, semi-submersible drill ships, and blowout preventers. One already familiar phrase was “oil…
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Earthquake Safety Tips

There is really no place to be completely safe in an earthquake.  Inside, things fall, walls and roofs can cave in and there can be gas leaks and electrical shorts, resulting in an explosion or fire.  Outside, walls or trees can…
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Mining Pegmatite Lithium Tantalite

Pegmatites are intrusive igneous rock formations characterized by having large crystals of 5 cms up to several meters in size and are often composed predominately of quartz, feldspar and muscovite mica. Frequently pegmatites are elongated tabular dykes  near vertically inclined…
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