Free Energy
January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Free Energy The battle to give “we the people” the right to live with free energy has been going on for a long time. Earth Day began in 1970 with the desire to be more in tune with nature and…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Free Energy The battle to give “we the people” the right to live with free energy has been going on for a long time. Earth Day began in 1970 with the desire to be more in tune with nature and…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Hundreds of years ago, Easter Island, off the coast of Chili, in the Pacific, had trees. They were systematically cut down to provide tools, and fire for the islanders who never realized that eventually they would be gone entirely without…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Lead is a metal with the symbol Pb. It is a soft, malleable metal that is bluish white, but which oxidizes to a dull gray when exposed to air. Yet lead resists further oxidation by creating an oxidation layer. When…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
As ash and airborne particulates continue to belch out from the volcano under Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull glacier, some health experts are turning a worried eye towards the future. The plume from the volcano has spread across the North Sea and dropped…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Molds are a type of fungi that are a constant and natural part of the environment. The tiny spores that are the method of reproduction travel easily through the air until they land in a moist and relatively draft free…
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January 10, 2015 Earth Science
Invasive species are of increasing concern now, as global trade, global human migration and a taste for both exotic foods and pets has gotten out of control. The term “Invasive or alien species” covers all life forms, including animals, plants, zoonotic or other pathogens…
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Humans sit at the top of the food chain. Humans are overpopulated, voracious, wasteful, effective and globally transient in decimating species, habitats and links in the food chain at a rate that will eventually result in the death of hundreds of…
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Man has, through the centuries of his existence, always attempted to improve on Mother Nature, tampering with a system that has worked, fed and provided protection for animals and plant life for millions of years. While the addition of pesticides,…
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Many of us look back on the travails and the heroic efforts of our ancestors to journey to their new homes, the countries of our birth, with admiration; legitimately so. Nevertheless, ever since people first traveled the ocean waves, they…
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The first petroleum company was Seneca Oil founded in 1858 in Pennsylvania by George Bissell and Jonathan Eveleth. Originally it was called the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company with the objective of collecting oil from a spring at Titusville, Pennsylvania. They…
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