Earth Science

All about Killer Clouds

Have you ever noticed how something beautiful to be found in nature can be often very dangerous even lethal? The term “killer cloud” is a generic name given to the often stunning Cumulonimbus clouds associated with the devastation and death…
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Tornado Alley Explained

While tornadoes are a severe weather phenomenon which can be found everywhere in the world except Antarctica, nearly all tornadoes occur in the middle latitudes of the world. In particular, roughly ninety percent of the world’s tornadoes occur in the…
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Forest Fires

Seeing the trail of devastation and destruction in Victoria, Australia this week (February 2009) it is hard to imagine that anything good can come of a forest fire. Wild fires like this are relatively common in many of the warmer,…
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Why is Groundwater Important

Groundwater is an important alternative to surface water. Sadly, this was not fully recognised until late in the 20th century when population pressures, variable rainfalls and increasing polluted water sources forced a search for alternatives. Groundwater, the forgotten, hidden resource…
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Free Energy

Free Energy The battle to give “we the people” the right to live with free energy has been going on for a long time. Earth Day began in 1970 with the desire to be more in tune with nature and…
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