Earth Science

What is Slant Drilling

Slant drilling, also known as directional or horizontal drilling, allows oil reservoirs to be accessed at an angle other than vertical by manoeuvring the drill bit in the desired direction. This in turn frees directional drilling from the traditional need…
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Oil Alternatives

I am baffled by the fact that it has been almost a month since the (latest) Gulf oil disaster, and we have yet to make any significant progress toward stemming the leak.  Not only that, but scientists have now confirmed…
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What is a Blowout Preventer

BOPs, or “blowout preventers” are valves that can seal off the wellhead, when it needs maintenance, or in case of an emergency. If pressure from underground, or undersea reaches a dangerous level, potentially causing fluids and natural gas to enter…
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What is an Oil Riser

A drilling riser, also sometimes known as an oil riser, is a large-diameter pipe or series of concentric pipes which connects the drilling string in a seafloor oil well to a surface drilling platform. Drilling risers are divided into two…
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