Earth Science

Preparing for a Hurricane

Hurricane Andrew, Hugo (it’s path here), Rita and Katrina; all excellent reasons for those who live in hurricane prone areas to compile a well thought out and stocked hurricane survival kit. The months of June-November are infamously referred to as…
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About 400 B.C. Aristotle wrote “Meteorologica.” That is the title of a book that basically was concerned with the study of things lifted up. Some of his writing pertained to things within the atmosphere. That, I guess, is the earliest attempt to…
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What is a Blowout Preventer

Before 1922, blowouts (gushers) were common. In these early wells, the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling mud in the annulus (open cylindrical space) between the drill string and the casing was the only thing standing between a successful drill and a blowout….
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How Oil Rigs Work

Once geologists discovered multiple large oil deposits around the world oil platforms began to be utilised to increase the production rate and profitability of oil for a growing global population. An oil rig is a platform positioned over deeply concealed…
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