Earth Science


A natural disaster can strike Japan at any time and because that country is not very big, area wise, the population within the entire country is likely to suffer the effects of an earthquake, a hurricane, a tidal wave or some other…
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The “prepper” community is often considered strange by the rest of society. Why stock up on months and years of food, keep a large stock of weapons and ammunition, and be ready to live in very primitive ways when modern…
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Why i Love each Season

Three Seasons Out Of Four Winter When Shakespeare began Richard III with “Now is the winter of our discontent,” he began with the wrong season. Summer is the real season of discontent. Summer has all the disadvantages and none of…
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End of the World

You see it in the movies, the haggard homeless man with a cardboard box strapped around his neck; the words boldly imprinted “THE END IS NEAR”. You hear friends and family members talk about it right after an Act of…
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