Earth Science

What is an Oil Riser

On April 20, 2010 a methane bubble escaped into a drilling pipe, got past the malfunctioning blowout preventers and shot up the drill pipe to the Deepwater Horizon, causing an series of explosions that killed 11 workers and toppled the…
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Reproduction in Coral Reefs

Most coral reefs produce by a sexual process. About 25 percent of corals are hermaphrodic. 75 percent of corals are gonochoristic. Both hermaphrodic and gonochoristic corals have types that reproduce sexually or asexually. Corals predominantly produce sexually, or by the…
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Organic Agriculture

In your local grocery store, you may have noticed a growing section in produced marked, Organic. You will also note the higher price per pound. The customer must decide whether the increase in price is worth paying for a grocery…
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