Earth Science

What is the Aurora Borealis

Aurorae are spectacular light shows in the sky – nature’s equivalent of a fireworks display. If conditions are correct, billowing curtains of green and red can be seen playing across the sky around the arctic and antarctic circles. The aurora…
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What is El Nino

Every several years, local weathermen talk extensively about El Nino.  Responsible for affecting weather patterns on a large scale, El Nino is responsible for unseasonably heavy rain and flooding in some areas, and devastating drought in others.  Despite its common…
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Coral Reefs

Continual damage to the world’s coral reef colonies is having a detrimental effect on the ocean’s delicate ecosystem. Marine mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and numerous sea creatures live in or around the coral reefs. The death of coral reefs results…
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Natural Disasters

Disaster, on a personal level, has been well covered in other articles and by government advice agencies. Yet, the world continues to suffer immensely every time one of these events occurs. It has been said before that “prevention is better…
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Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching is a sign of stress in corals that reveals itself as a loss of color. Corals that form a reef have a symbiotic relationship with an algae called zooxanthellae, which lives in the coral tissue; these algae give…
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Coral Reef Disease

As coral polyps are living creatures, so too are they susceptible to diseases in the ocean’s waters. There are several diseases that threaten their health and their survival. Man’s misuse of the earth and her lands, oceans and air has…
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Global Climate Change

GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Climate is the consistent, long-term behavior of weather over time, including its variability; this contrasts with weather, which is the condition of the atmosphere at any given place and time. Global climate does not stay the same…
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How do Coral Polyps Feed

Most coral reefs are large complex ecosystems found in the tropics comprised of billions of tiny polyps, minute animals, and algae. The reefs are home to thousands of other creatures. Those surrounding creatures are similar to those found in any…
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