Earth Science

How to Prepare for a Tsunami

A tsunami (Japanese for “harbor wave”) happens when something displaces water vertically in the sea or another large body of water. These big waves can be deadly, and they happen with little warning. Preparation for one involves advance planning as…
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Coral Reefs

The majority of reef loss or damage is not deliberate. Coral reefs are being degraded by an accumulation of stresses arising from human activities. In simple terms, stresses can be grouped by the actions of people extracting material from, and…
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Studying Past Earth Climates

The natural history of this planet is fraught with biological changes.  Scientists seek to determine the reasons behind these changes by reconstructing past environmental conditions.  Reconstructing ancient environments without direct observational record can be challenging.  Fortunately, some very important clues…
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The Science of Oceanography

Oceanography is “the branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans” ( Designing science projects for high school students that involve oceanography are simple and can be tied into a wide variety of other sciences. Oceanography…
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What is Phytoremediation

Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms to remove pollutants from contaminated areas of land, water or air.  Phytoremediation is a form of bioremediation in which plants are used in addition to, or instead of, microorganisms.  Superfund, an environmental program created…
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Tsunami Readiness

Living on the West Coast of the Pacific Northwest has taught me a few things about tsunami warnings and how to prepare.  Here are 10 things you need to know about a possible tsunami natural disaster. 1) Familiarize yourself with the…
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