Earth Science

How Windmill Power Works

Whenever wind power is mentioned these days, people tend to hear “wind-generated electricity”. This is a part of the lazification of English, similar to the habit of saying “alloy” when they mean “aluminium”. It is also an effect of the…
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What is a Hurricane

XXI century began with powerful nature forces for our civilization. Unusualy rainfalls, enervating droughts, winds and cunamies waste human race. From powerful forces broke even part of USA economics. Is it normal nature phenomenons or unrenewable changes, which happens in…
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Windmill Generator

Most people are fully aware of the huge opportunities that can be gained by building a windmill generator at home. Quite simply you could completely eliminate your household electric bill by building and installing a windmill generator and harnessing the…
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What is Fossil Water

With growing populations the search for water has becomes more important all of the time and one of the important sources of water in many places in fossil water. Fossil water, or paleowater is water which has at some point…
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