Earth Science

Hurricane Life Cycle

The meteorologist appears on your local news station with a concerned look on his face. “We are closely monitoring this area of low pressure for development, and will keep you informed as conditions change,” he says. Each year millions of…
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Global Warming

If you want to reduce global warming, you have to isolate sources of heat, so the heat is not emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere. Any heat emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere would contribute to global warming. A power plant produces…
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Types of Lightning

In his book Extreme Weather, H. Michael Mogil, quotes famous author Mark Twain by stating, “Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does all the work”. Lightning is indeed a most magnificent force. Simply put, this natural…
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Types of Lightning

My grandfather was a college physics professor who devoted his life to lightning research. He was the first person in the world to photograph ball lightning and prove its existence.  I grew up in a household where electrical theory was…
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