Earth Science

Causes of Noise Pollution

At some inopportune time in everyone’s life there is an intrusion upon the ability to peacefully go about daily life, more succinctly termed as noise pollution. Noise pollution is the basic forceful impression of extreme sound, and can be attributed…
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Wildfire Modelling

Wildfires are uncontrolled fires in the wilderness and forests, that can create widespread destruction and havoc because of their ability to jump gaps, rivers and firebreaks. In recent years, wildfires have become issues of national concern due to the extensive…
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Hurricane Hurricane Precautions

In our neck of the woods, these brutes of nature are called tropical cyclones. Having said that, tropical cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes – they are all interchangeable titles for what is the most destructive example of Mother Nature’s fury. Whichever applies,…
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