Earth Science

Why its Important to Eat Organic

Choose (and grow) organic food. You’ll be setting out on a wonderful, creative learning adventure that will benefit you and your family in all sorts of different ways. You’ll be adopting what they call ‘The Precautionary Principle’. In essence that…
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Brown Clouds

In a United Nations report, atmospheric brown clouds are described as one of the greatest threats to environmental health and the worldwide food supply. Brown clouds also have a huge negative effect on overall human health as well. Atmospheric brown…
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What is Wildfire Modeling

Computer science has enabled scientists to develop a mathematical method to predict and estimate the effects of wildfires just like they can measure, understand, estimate, and predict normal weather and natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. Wildfire modeling…
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Drought Mitigation Strategies

Drought mitigation strategies have a great advantage in comparison to many other disaster minimizing strategies in that severe droughts develop over long periods of time. Because of this slow onset the effects of drought can be lessened through mitigation and…
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