Earth Science

Winter Storm Dangers

One of the most dangerous seasons each year is winter unless you are properly prepared for it. If you decide to wait until a winter warning or a watch has been issued to get the emergency supplies you will need…
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What are Katabatic Winds

Katabatics wind, a word derived from the Greek word ‘katabaticos’, are high-density winds that blow downwards from a high elevation due to the force of gravity. These winds are, therefore, also known as ‘Fall Winds’. Katabatc winds travel at a…
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Igneous Rocks

Rocks of all shapes, sizes, and classifications are used in everyday life. There are three main classifications of rocks, depending on how they are formed. Sedimentary rocks are a composite of other rocks and minerals and forms when these pieces…
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An Introduction to a Tornado Watch

A tornado watch is a term that is used by the National Weather Service in the United States.  Sometimes, people get confused with it.  They have a difficult time determining the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning.  Those people need…
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How to Make a Homemade Hygrometer

A hygrometer (a device for measuring relative humidity) can be easily constructed from ordinary household devices and materials.  It can be used in conjunction with other weather instruments to gauge and predict weather patterns.  This is a fun, yet very scientific, device that…
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Monsoons Monsoonic Winds

Winds that blow from the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea bring monsoons to countries such as India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. One of the main facts about these winds is that they are prevailing winds that last for several months…
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