Earth Science


In 2007 the BBC reported the finding of what is considered to be the world’s oldest solar observatory, the Thirteen Towers near Chankillo, Peru, built 2,300 years ago. It is part of a ceremonial complex which offers concrete proof that…
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Water and Finance

Interconnectedness has been shown to exist around the world and through out nature. Chemistry and biology are separate fields and vastly different from physics, but now there is biophysics and biochemistry and physics is being used to explain how atoms…
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How to Grow Bromeliads

Bromeliads: Exotic Beauties that Practically Take Care of Themselves If you want an exotic plant that almost takes care of itself, try bromeliads. Their rare exotic beauty sometimes causes inexperienced growers to assume that bromeliads are touchy and difficult to…
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Cloud Seeding

Cloud seeding is the process of “sowing” clouds with tiny foreign particles, such as dry ice, silver iodide, or even salt, in order to induce precipitation or otherwise modify the weather. The practice is perhaps more common than one might…
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Children and Bad Weather

There is an unwritten rule in every home about discussing bad weather with children. We discuss all other kinds of topics with them, we make sure they understand about talking to strangers, we make sure they know the dangers of…
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An iridescent school of fish gliding through a coral reef; a flock of birds navigating by the moonlight’s gleam; a horde of monkeys chattering from the safety of treetops; tiny yellow flowers beckoning to passing insects.  These are just a…
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How Coral Grows a Reef

Coral reefs are home to two primary divisions of corals, hexacoral and octocorals. The divisions are defined by the number of tentacles of the polyp; the octocoral has eight tentacles while the hexacorals have six tentacles. Both divisions of corals…
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