Earth Science

How a Snow Storm Develops

Snowstorms usually occur between November and April in the northern hemisphere, but can appear as early as October or as late as May. It seems illogical, but spring snowstorms may actually produce more snow than winter ones, because of the…
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Why Seed Clouds

Cloud seeding is also referred to as weather modification. It is a process where we treat specific clouds or cloud systems to attempt to get more precipitation from the clouds. For centuries we have tried to control the weather. It…
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Oil Shale

The United State of America contains major deposits of oil shale, which is a promising resource. Oil shale is a type of fine grained sedimentary rock that is crucial to the current energy problem. Technically speaking, this sedimentary rock contains…
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Evolution of Atmosphere

The Earth’s atmosphere evolved along with the evolution of life. It’s composition has changed in response to the development of life over millions of years. Today’s constitution is maintained by the larger metabolic processes of the planet, by which I…
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Coral Reef Ecosystems

A Coral Reef Ecosystem is a group of diverse species living together in a particular environment. Initially the sun is used for an energy source for this system, but the presence of different plants and animals allows for the use…
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