Earth Science

How a Snow Storm Develops

There are several kinds of snowstorms and each can be substantially different that other types in many ways. However, all of them require two things: Humidity and cold temperatures near the ground. Let’s look at how, in general, a typical…
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How does El Nino Affect Weather

El Nino, formally known as the El Nino Southern Oscillation, is a major five-year climate pattern over the Pacific Ocean, which affects land regions all around that ocean, including at considerable distances from the coast. It is characterized by unseasonally…
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Red Sky at Night

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.” This age-old expression was first uttered thousands of years ago and has probably been used thousands of times since. But is there really any truth to…
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Air and its Components

Few of us might have even bothered to consider air as matter, far more that the apparent nothingness has various components. Fresh air is easy to take for granted, until we go without it at least. When we were first taught…
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Cloud Formation

WISPS ON THE MORNING DAWN From the cute little puppy dogs to the ominous ogres in the sky, clouds can capture many an imagination. Little children sometimes think that clouds might be made of cotton candy. That’s a sweet thought,…
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