Earth Science

Kushiro River Restoration

The Kushiro River on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido used to meander across a vast area of green hills and rural communities, through the Kushiro wetlands, the country’s largest and home to some 2,000 species of wildlife, before disgorging…
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Logging in Boreal Forests

The boreal forests are those areas found north of the Arctic Circle and yet still below the tundra line. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica On-line dictionary, the area is characterized by “vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing, needle-leaved, or scale-leaved evergreen…
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Causes of Mass Extinction

A mass extinction event is happening at this very moment. Has been happening, in fact, since Homo sapiens decided to walk out of Oduvai Gorge and spread across every habitable land surface on the planet. From our merciless treatment of…
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It is on Constantly

The one alternative energy source that I believe has the most potential is geothermal energy. There are many reason for this. AVAILABILITY There are some geothermal sources that we are familiar with. Geysers and hot springs come to mind first….
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