Earth Science

Alternative Energy

There are so many different sources of energy that could replace the gasoline and coal we use for almost everything. Alternative fuels are being looked at much more lately due to the increase in effects we have noticed that gasoline…
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Solar Power Bad

Solar power is seen as one of the biggest alternative energies available and ready for use today. Sadly that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Even with new technologies and advances with existing ones solar power is not able to…
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What are Green House Gasses

With the growing concern over the climate and our environment, understanding what green house gases are becomes more important than ever. There is a problem with this, though. There are many definitions, some technical and others in layman’s terms. Some…
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How can we Save the Olive Ridleys

The Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary in Odissa’s Kendrapada district, 174 km from the capital city, Bhuvaneshwar(country- India), hosts the world’s largest nesting site for the endangered Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys oliveacea ) turtles. Every year, between December and April, thousands of these…
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