
Family Poaceae

Poaceae is  commonly known as the Grass Family.  It is peculiar of its genera having the familiar grass-like appearance.  It belongs to the Class Monocotyledonae and is represents by around 620 genera and about 10,000 species. It falls under the…
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Family Brassicaceae

Family Brassicaceae members date back to over 3000 years ago and are commonly called members of the Mustard family.  They are also known as Crucifers as they have four petals which are arranged in a cross-like appearance.  They form a…
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Plant Facts Hardenbergia Genus

The genus Hardenbergia is a member of the legume (Fabaceae) family. The genus was named after Countess von Franziska Hardenberg. Hardenbergia consists of only three species all native to Australia. They are evergreen climbing shrubs or trailers and highly adaptable….
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